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Showing posts from December, 2017


Coat of arms of the Serbian republic. "Himna Kosovskih junaka", or in English "The Hymn of the Kosovo Heroes", written by Ljubomir Simović and composed by Dušan Karuović is a song from historical war drama film Battle of Kosovo (1989). It was also the anthem of the Special Operations Unit (JSO). LYRICS IN SERBIAN Христе Боже распети и свети, Српска земља кроз облаке лети. Лети преко небеских висина, Крила су јој Морава и Дрина. Hriste Bože raspeti i sveti, Srpska zemlja kroz oblake leti. Leti preko nebeskih visina, Krila su joj Morava i Drina Збогом први нерођени сине, Збогом ружо, збогом рузмарине. Збогом лето, јесени и зимо, Одлазимо да се не вратимо. Zbogom prvi nerođeni sine, Zbogom ružo, zbogom ruzmarine. Zbogom leto, jeseni i zimo, Odlazimo da se ne vratimo. На три свето и на три саставно, Одлазимо на Косово равно. Одлазимо на суђено место Збогом мајко, сестро и невесто. Na tri sveto i na tri sastavno, Odlazimo na Kosovo ravno


East German coat of arms "Auferstanden aus Ruinen" or "Risen from Ruins", in german, was the national anthemof the German Democratic Republic (GDR), commonly known as East Germany, during its existence from 1949 to 1990. HISTORY In 1949, the Soviet occupation zone of Allied-occupied Germany became a Socialist state called the German Democratic Republic (GDR). For its anthem, the poet Johannes R. Becher, who later became Minister of Culture, wrote the lyrics. Two musicians proposed music to Becher's lyrics, and the version of Hanns Eisler was selected. Written in 1949, the anthem reflects the early stages of German separation, in which continuing progress towards reunification of the occupation zones was seen by most Germans as appropriate and natural. Consequently, Becher's lyrics develop several connotations of "unity" and combine them with "fatherland" (einig Vaterland), meaning Germany as a whole. However, this concept soon